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Supplements: Garlic Myths

Updated: May 16

The Great Garlic Debate has been doing the rounds for many, many, many years and still crops up across social media now and then despite being debunked a long time ago. Our blog below explains the truth about garlic.

Google says its dangerous

The problem is, a lot of false information is spread online and when that information is debunked it can take many, many years for search engines to catch up.

Being a part of the onion family, the assumption was made that garlic would be toxic for dogs as onion is.... but we are here to debunk this!

In 2000, a study was completed on 8 dogs, 4 of them were given the equivalent of 5g garlic per one kilogram dog weight, every day for a week. The other 4 were given water.

This showed some concerning changes in the blood work.

This is the link to the study, clearly showing high doses can be dangerous - so can most, if not all things though in the wrong amounts

Science is an ever evolving beast

Fast forward to 2018, and another study was done. This time on a group of dogs for 12 weeks. 6 were given water and 6 were given garlic at a dose of about 3g total per dog.

This is the link to the study, clearly showing that in the right dosage, garlic can act as an antioxidant that can help to reduce inflammation.

There are of course some situations where garlic should not be used:

  • Puppies under 6 months of age

  • Pregnant or lactating mothers - Discuss with a vet first

  • Dogs on certain medications - If you dog has medication, check with a vet fist

  • Certain breeds like Shiba Inu or Akita

Why would I want to give my dog garlic?

  • Fresh, organic raw garlic carries a lot of health benefits for dogs:

  • It has anti-parasitic properties so can help to de-worm. It has even been shown to help fight Giardia

  • It also helps to make your dog less appealing to fleas and ticks as well as other parasites

  • It carries antibiotic and antibacterial properties

  • Garlic can help to lower blood pressure and detoxify heavy metals.

  • It also has anti-cancer properties.

  • In ancient times, garlic was widely used for its medicinal benefits, although of course in today's world there is a time and place for conventional medicines.

How do I safely feed garlic?

Firstly, it's important to note that the only garlic that should be fed to a dog is:

  • Fresh, raw, organic garlic

  • Dog safe, well established brands that produce high quality supplements containing garlic, such as Dorwest Herbs Garlic & Fenugreek tablets (feeding guidelines are clearly indicate on packaging for these)

Fresh, organic, raw garlic should be peeled then crushed and allowed to sit for about 15 minutes before being fed. Mix it well into food & serve.

  • Safe but effective doses are:

  • Half a clove (garlic bulbs contain many cloves), per 10kg dog weight.

  • Can be fed daily however a few days a week should be effective enough for most dogs.

NEVER feed Chinese garlic as it is known to be high in arsenic, and always follow guidance to avoid it's usage in:

  • Puppies under 6 months of age

  • Pregnant or lactating mothers - Discuss with a vet first

  • Dogs on certain medications - If you dog has medication, check with a vet fist

  • Certain breeds like Shiba Inu or Akita - This is because these breeds are more sensitive to the haemolytic effects of oxidants such as N-Propyl disulphide found in garlic. Veterinary herbalist Susan Wynn warns against its usage in these breeds unless under direction from a holistic vet

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