With the addition of the world wide web (now known as the internet) in 1991, it is easier now for information, but also misinformation, to spread globally. Diet improvements of course are incredible to make & there have been reports of amazing results from doing so, however it is important to understand diet alone may not be the be all and end all solution. Every situation is unique and there are many factors to consider, this blog is designed to help to explain this more
The Facts
A raw diet can help with a number of issues from mental to physical illness. Of course, it may not be a cure, but a good healthy diet will help to reduce internal stress and inflammation which can help to manage symptoms of illness or injury and also drive improvements in certain behaviours.
If your dog has a known health condition or behaviour issue, you may need to work with a number of professionals from holistic or pro-raw vets, to hydro-therapists, behaviour consultants, trainer, massage therapists and more.
On its own, a raw diet is not a be all and end all fix for health issues, however it can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine, holistic therapies and alternative therapies to wholly support your dog moving forwards.
Is it safe to switch to raw when my dog is unwell?
Ideally a dietary change should be done when a dog is fit and healthy, however that is not always possible.
If your dog is unwell long term, but you want to switch them to a species appropriate diet, you can discuss our transition guide with your vet and check if there are any risks of doing so, such as whether any recommended supplements for transition will interfere with medications or treatment plans.
For transition we recommend using the following supplements:
dog safe bone broth such as Alexander's Natural or Karnlea
Then one from this list:
Proflax flax range oil to best suit your dogs needs such as Skin & Coat or Immunity & Vitality or Puppy
Dorwest herbs keepers mix or keepers sensitive for those with extra sensitive bodies
Dorwest herbs easy greens
Dorwest herbs green releaf (great for hotter dogs who need cooling effects on the body)
How does it help behaviour?
Firstly, it is important that when your dog has a behaviour issue, that you get a vet check to ensure there is nothing medically causing it. Pain especially can be a trigger for unwanted behaviour actions, recent studies suggest at least 80% of behaviour issues can be linked to pain being a cause.
If all is ok, you will then need to enlist the support of a trainer and a behaviour consultant.
When you feed a dog a well varied raw diet, they receive better protein, healthy fats, and other nutrients which can help to support a dog's brain function
A raw diet may also help to reduce hyperactivity and other unwanted behaviours as it is focussed on their natural diet rather than a high carbohydrate diet, carbohydrates can contribute to spikes in blood sugar levels and energy levels, however it is not a fix all solution to behaviour problems.
When you feed your dog a raw diet they are able to utilise the food fully and digest it more easily than other diets. Afterall, a raw diet is the diet that our dogs ancestors ate.
How does it help unwell dogs?
When food is consumed in its natural state instead of highly processed, nutrient absorption is easier so your dog can benefit from every ingredient it eats.
If your dog is unwell, you should of course be working alongside a holistic or pro-raw vet.
A raw diet, when done correctly, can bring benefits such as:
Improved digestive systems
Stronger gut health
Brighter eyes
Healthier Skin & Coat
Fresher breath
Reduced internal inflammation
Regulated blood sugars
Reduced oxidative stress
Easier weight management
Cleaner teeth (still brush them though too!)
Reduced rates of cancers
Reduced rates of periodontal disease
Reduced rates of diabetes
Reduced rates of heart disease
And much more!
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