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8.5: Vaccination, Titres & NoSodes

Writer's picture: RFFDMSUKRFFDMSUK

Updated: Jan 31


  • Every 3 years, it used to be yearly, but the latest advice since 2021 roughly was every 3 years, dogs are called to their vet to receive a vaccination against Distemper, Hepatitis & Parvo, also known as DHP. DHP vaccinations are classed as a core vaccination. It is believed though some dogs have immunity lasting even longer than 3 years, potentially even a lifetime!

  • The other core vaccination is Leptospirosis. This is still a yearly vaccination and there is no known test for antibody levels. Lepto, as it is referred to, is a zoonotic illness which means it can transmit from animals to humans, however the vaccine does not stop a dog catching it, just reduces the spread of it. L4 vaccination is for the 4 main strains. Just like other spreadable illnesses, there are several strains.

  • Kennel cough (now being referred to as Canine Cough by some vets due to the fact it widely circulates outside of kennels), also has a yearly nasal ‘vaccination’. This is in essence like a cold virus in humans. Again there are many strains. Some dogs develop mild symptoms following vaccination, and some vets advise they should be notified before giving this if anyone in the home is immunosuppressed.

Should I Vaccinate?

We are not medically trained, so cannot tell you what is best, however there are some considerations to make you aware of:

  • Proof of DHP vaccination is usually a condition of license for day care & boarding facilities, including licensed home boarders.

  • Some council areas find that day care & boarding facilities are regulated so heavily by councils that Lepto vaccination is also a condition of license.

  • Kennel cough vaccination is not a mandatory vaccination for day care or boarding however some will ask for it, and will also ask for a week or 2 to be left after vaccination before using their facilities.

  • In several parts of the UK, there have been secure field hires that also ask for proof of vaccination.

  • In some situations a dog may be at greater risk from these illnesses, such as the very young, or gravely ill dogs

  • Some insurance companies may choose not to insure a dog at all if it is not full up to date on vaccines, however the majority will cover anything that is not preventable by vaccine i.e. an injury, an illness that is not Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, Lepto, Kennel Cough. We strongly recommend pet guardians do their own research on whether insurance companies do or do not cover dogs in these instances.

What Can I Do To Avoid Over-vaccinating?

  • Titre testing for immunity level PRIOR TO a DHP vaccine can be done, but as the sample is sent off to a lab it can prove costly at a few hundred pounds.

  • Vaccicheck can be done much cheaper, usually around £50, every 3 years PRIOR TO vaccination. This allows you to see if your dogs immunity levels have reduced enough to warrant vaccination.

  • More & more day care, field hire & boarding facilities are accepting titre tests & vaccicheck certification as evidence of vaccination, therefore meaning you do not have to Vaccinate your dog to DHP, unless they need it!

I don’t Vaccinate but don’t need proof of vaccination either

  • Vaccicheck or Titre testing is an incredible way to avoid overvaccination, and as a group we urge all pet arents who choose to not Vaccinate, to ensure these tests are done every 3 years including after 1st vaccinations to ensure puppy vaccinations were successful as they are not always sadly.

  • Knowing for sure that your dog has antibodies or not can help you to make an informed choice whether or not to vaccinate.

My pet insurance / vet says I must Vaccinate DHP yearly.

This is outdated advice. DHP recommendations are every 3 years, not yearly. Even then, the only conditions not covered if you do not Vaccinate SHOULD be distemper, Hepatitis or Parvo - however do check with your insurer to be certain of this.

I have to give some vaccines how can I best help my dog

  • In Lise Hansen's book, The Complete Book of Cat & Dog Health, Dr Lise Hansen recommends using the homeopathic remedy Thuja as a vaccine side effects preventative.

  • Ideally, you would see your vet to give this however, should you not have access to a homeopathic vet you can purchase the book to find out the method. As we are not medically trained we cannot advise regarding homeopathic remedies

  • We would recommend should you need to vaccinate that you also consider using the River & Wren Botanical Detox blend for 6 weeks after vaccination

Can I use NoSodes instead?

  • Nosodes are a homeopathy option. They can cover DHP & Lepto HOWEVER as they are homeopathy medicine there is no trial evidence to show their effectiveness.

  • Due to this, we still strongly advise regular vaccicheck / Titre testing to ensure what you are doing is working, they are not accepted by any facility as proof of vaccination at this time.

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